The first drawing I made was of a skull of a Smilodon californicus (sabre-toothed tiger), which I picked both because I was still used to drawing bones from the hipbone project, and because I really like prehistoric animals, a lot. This probably took about 40 minutes, and is done in pen.
Next I drew a few much quicker sketches, probably about 10-15 minutes each, if that. They are of Martes foina (beech marten, top), Colinus virginianus (northern bobwhite, left), and Ondatra zibethicus (muskrat). All done in pencil.
After those I felt like doing another long drawing, so I drew an armadillo because they have really interesting anatomy (and they're related to the extinct glyptodons, another prehistoric mammal). Drawn in pen, and shaded with graphite.
Lastly, I drew one of the two giant polar bears they have on display. This one stood probably 8-9 feet tall, and was really impressive to look at. Another quick pencil sketch.
That's all the sketches I have, because I spent a lot of time mesmerized by the collection. It was definitely a worthwhile trip.