Friday, April 30, 2010

Think Floyd

My Editorial class is winding down, and I'm getting close to resolving the journal cover I've chosen to create for it. For the assignment, we searched through various journals, or thought up topics of interest, and chose one that interested us. I chose synaesthesia, which is a topic that has always interested me. Synaesthesia is a condition in a small group of people in which one sensation being triggered (in the example below, sound) automatically triggers another secondary sensation (color, below) at the same time. I think it's a really fascinating neurological condition, but I don't want to get into that here.

After going through several (very different) iterations, I ended up with the image below. I've always liked the iconography of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album cover, and I was really happy to work with it. I put this into a cover template that I re-created in Adobe Illustrator of the journal Neuron.

I started the piece by painting it in oil paint on a 22"x28" canvas board. Then I photographed that in with a high-resolution digital SLR and digitally airbrushed it a bunch until I got it close to how I wanted it to look. What's uploaded above is not my final version, but I really wanted to upload something new, so I'll just replace it with the next version after I have gone through my critique and modify it.

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